Environmental Consulting
EPR | Zero Waste | Circular Economy
Management of End-of-Life Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Canada
Love Environment was the lead for the Automotive Recyclers of Canada (ARC) with funding provided by Natural Resources Canada in the development of a Roadmap and Implementation Plan for the Management of End-of-Life Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Canada. The final report describes the imminent increase in EVs across Canada, the key challenges regarding the recycling of this new technology and detailed auto recycler training and RD&D needs to safely manage this new waste and potential resource stream over the next 5 years.
National Voluntary Stewardship Programs for Farm Waste Materials
Love Environment was retained by Cleanfarms, Canada’s most notable national voluntary stewardship programs for farm waste materials, to assist the organization to both establish a new senior, board level Sustainable Packaging Committee and to develop short, medium and long term workplans to help address member companies’ most challenging and highest priority packaging and product waste issues. The plan was approved by the Cleanfarms Board of Directors.
Recycling of Auto Plastics from End-of-Life Vehicles in Canada
Love Environment was a key collaborator with Kelleher Environmental for ARC (with funding provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada - ECCC) in the development of a Roadmap to Increase the Recycling of Auto Plastics from End-of-Life Vehicles in Canada. The project included detailed field research, the identification of the key barriers and an outline of six specific Research, Demonstration and Development Projects and Program Recommendations as a Roadmap towards zero auto plastic waste by 2030.
Plastics Cleantech Primer and Inventory
Love Environment was a sub-contractor to Kelleher Environmental on a Plastics Technology Study for ECCC to prepare a Plastics Cleantech Primer and Inventory that described the current state of innovative technologies to manage waste plastics to re-introduce them into the emerging circular economy. The report profiled 80 of the leading Canadian and US plastics recycling companies and actions to address the key challenges to increase plastics recycling in Canada.
Long Term Waste Management Plans for Guelph and Ottawa
Love Environment was on separate sub-contracts (through MM Dillon and HDR respectively) for the cities of Guelph and Ottawa for the preparation of each city’s long term solid waste management plans. Love Environment was primarily responsible for reviewing federal and provincial solid waste policies, programs and legislation with a focus on extended producer responsibility program changes under the new Individual Producer Responsibility framework in Ontario and for recommendations regarding the rapidly developing issue of how to better manage post-consumer plastics in general and single-use plastics in particular.
Product and Services Gap Analysis of Extended Producer Responsibility in British Columbia
Love Environment was the Project Manager for a study of “Product and Services Gap Analysis of Extended Producer Responsibility in British Columbia” for the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and Metro Vancouver. The project included detailed interviews with local and regional municipalities, producers and BC Producer Responsibility Organizations to help identify gaps and new EPR program opportunities in seven major product areas - plastics, textiles, tires, WEEE, HHW, packaging and CRD waste.
Zero Waste
Love Environment was a sub-contractor to SLR Inc. to analyze Zero Waste policy and program options to help achieve Oxford County’s long-term goal of Zero Waste and to support the County’s move towards a “circular economy” both for waste and energy by 2050. The report identified 5 key “action areas” and twelve specific “zero waste actions”.
100% Producer Responsibility Program for Printed Paper and Packaging
Love Environment was retained as part of the Gies & Associates BC Project Team to design and implement the first 100% producer responsibility program for printed paper and packaging prepared for Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) and Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA). The plan was approved by the BC government in April 2013 and Geoff’s work on the project was completed with his hiring MMBC's first Director of Operations in September 2014.
Recycling Effectiveness and Efficiency Fund
Geoff helped create and served as the Manager for Stewardship Ontario's $25 million Recycling Effectiveness and Efficiency Fund from 2002 to 2007, overseeing the development and completion of 75 technical and policy-related recycling innovation and best practice projects with municipalities across Ontario.
Co-Founder of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Canada
Love Environment was a Co-Founder of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Canada, a not-for-profit association, that issued report cards every 2 years (from 2011 to 2017) on the performance of government EPR policies and programs across Canada. The fifth and final report card was issued in the fall of 2017.